Difference Between Array and ArrayList

Arrays and ArrayLists are both used in programming to store collections of values. Arrays are a fixed-size data structure that can hold a specific number of elements of the same data type. They are commonly used in programs to store and manipulate data that can be accessed by index.

On the other hand, ArrayLists are dynamic and resizable data structures that can hold any number of elements of any data type. They are more flexible than arrays and allow for easy insertion and deletion of elements.

The purpose of this article is to compare and contrast Arrays and ArrayLists, discussing their similarities and differences and when each is best used.

What is an Array in Java?

In programming, an array is a data structure that stores a fixed-size sequence of elements of the same type. It is a container that can hold a set of values, such as integers or strings, under a single variable name. Each element in an array is identified by an index number that represents its position in the sequence.

Arrays offer several advantages in programming. One of the main advantages is that they provide direct access to the elements, allowing for fast and efficient retrieval of data. They are also easy to use and implement and can be used to store large amounts of data. Another advantage is that they can be used to implement algorithms that require sequential access to the data.

Despite their advantages, arrays also have some disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages is that they have a fixed size. It means that the number of elements they can hold is determined at the time of their creation. This can make them inflexible for certain use cases. One disadvantage of arrays is that they can be inefficient for inserting or deleting elements. This is because all the elements after the insertion or deletion point must be shifted to accommodate the change.

Arrays are used in a variety of programming applications. One common use case is for storing and manipulating large amounts of data, such as in scientific or financial applications. They can also be used to implement search and sorting algorithms, as well as to represent matrices and other mathematical structures. In addition, arrays can be used to store and manipulate images, sound files, and other multimedia data.

Example code for creating an array in Java:

int[] myArray = new int[5]; // creates an array of 5 integers
myArray[0] = 10; // sets the value of the first element to 10
myArray[1] = 20; // sets the value of the second element to 20

What is an ArrayList in Java?

An ArrayList is a dynamic data structure that is similar to an array but with the added advantage of being resizable. It is part of the Java Collections Framework and is commonly used in Java programming.

One of the main advantages of ArrayLists is their dynamic nature, which means that they can change in size as elements are added or removed. This makes them ideal for situations where you need to store and manipulate data that can grow or shrink over time. Another advantage of ArrayLists is their ability to store objects of any type, which makes them very flexible.

Despite their advantages, ArrayLists do have some drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages is that they can be less efficient than arrays when it comes to accessing elements. ArrayLists have an underlying array that stores their data. When accessing an element in an ArrayList, it incurs additional overhead compared to accessing an element in a regular array. This is because the underlying array must be accessed to retrieve the desired element.

Additionally, ArrayLists can be more memory-intensive than arrays, especially if you need to store large amounts of data. ArrayLists are commonly used in situations where you need to store and manipulate collections of data that can change in size over time. ArrayLists are commonly used for various purposes in Java programming. One of the common use cases is storing user input.

They are also useful for managing lists of items in a shopping cart. Another use case is maintaining a list of records in a database. They are also useful when you need to work with collections of objects that can be of different types.

Here’s an example of how to use an ArrayList in Java:

import java.util.*;
public class Main {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        // Create a new ArrayList
        ArrayList<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();
        // Add some elements to the ArrayList
        // Get the size of the ArrayList
        int size = myList.size();
        // Iterate over the elements of the ArrayList
        for (String fruit : myList) {
        // Remove an element from the ArrayList
        // Check if an element is in the ArrayList
        boolean containsFirst = myList.contains("First");
        System.out.println("Contains First?: " + containsFirst);

Contains First?: true

Comparison between Arrays and ArrayLists in Java

Differences between Java Arrays and ArrayLists:

  • Arrays are fixed in size and cannot be resized once created.
  • ArrayLists can dynamically resize themselves as needed.
  • Arrays can store primitives and objects, while ArrayLists can only store objects.
  • Arrays have better performance when accessing elements directly by index, while ArrayLists have better performance when adding or removing elements.

Code example for creating an array:

int[] myArray = new int[10]; // creates an array with 10 elements

Code example for creating an ArrayList:

ArrayList<Integer> myList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // creates an ArrayList

Similarities between Java Arrays and ArrayLists:

  • Both can be used to store collections of data.
  • Both can be accessed using index values.
  • Both can be iterated over using loops.
  • Both can be sorted using the Arrays.sort() or Collections.sort() methods.

Code example for iterating over an array:

for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {

Code example for iterating over an ArrayList:

for (int i = 0; i < myList.size(); i++) {

Which is better and when to use what:

  • Arrays are better for situations where the size of the collection is fixed and known beforehand.
  • ArrayLists are better for situations where the size of the collection may change, or where you need to add or remove elements frequently.
  • If you need to store primitives, you should use an array.
  • If you need to store objects and want the ability to dynamically resize the collection, you should use an ArrayList.

It’s important to consider the specific needs of your program when choosing between an array and an ArrayList.


In conclusion, Arrays and ArrayLists are two ways of storing and manipulating collections of data in Java. Arrays have a fixed size, while ArrayLists can dynamically resize as needed. Arrays are faster for accessing elements, while ArrayLists are easier to manipulate and add/remove elements. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on the specific use case and requirements of the project.

For fixed-size collections with performance as a concern, use Arrays. For variable-size collections that require frequent adding or removing of elements, use ArrayLists. It’s important to consider the specific use case and performance requirements of the project when deciding which to use.

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