Tagged: learn java’

what is java 0

What is Java Programming?

We all know that there are numerous programming languages, and each one has its own benefits and specialities. For example, Python is preferred for programming Artificial intelligence and machine learning, C++ is used for...

java methods 0

Methods in Java

Java stands as a highly acclaimed programming language on a global scale, renowned for its capacity to define and employ methods effectively. Methods, encompassing blocks of code, grant the ability to invoke them from...

multi threading in java 0

What is Multithreading in Java

Multithreading is a technique in programming that allows multiple threads to execute concurrently within a single process. It is an essential concept in Java, a popular programming language used for developing various applications. Multithreading...

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Java extends Keyword

Java is a popular programming language that allows developers to build complex and robust applications. One of the key features of Java is its ability to use inheritance to extend the functionality of existing...

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Java Version History

Java is one of the world’s most popular programming languages. It is a high-level language that is platform-independent. It can run on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java was created...

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Static Keyword in Java

Java is a popular programming language that is used to develop a wide range of applications. One of the most important concepts in Java is the static keyword, which is used to create variables,...